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Catty Corner by Catsbury Park

Nov 26, 2018

DJ and Jake debate whether or not cats should be allowed in museums. Then Jake tells us about his new idea “whiskers”, the twitter just for cats. Also, this week DJ goes on location to West Oakland to meet up with longtime friend Adam “Cat Man of West Oakland” Myatt to talk about eating cat treats, humans using...

Nov 19, 2018

This week DJ and Jake discuss the Egyptian's love for cats, The Beatles vs Coldplay and much more. Then DJ gets to catch Jackson Galaxy just as he is starting his live tour "Total Cat Mojo Live". Jackson talks about how this upcoming tour is something he's always wanted to do, some common tips for "catifying" your home...

Nov 12, 2018

In this weeks episode DJ and Jake bring in our European correspondent all the way from Croatia to discuss the latest fashion on the catwalk. Then DJ catches up with Sally Williams Founder and Director of The Brodie Fund about her lifelong passion for cats, The Pink Panthers smoking habits, as well as her exciting new...